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The Sonic Fan Club -> Sonic Fan Fiction Club

Welcome to the Sonic Fan Fiction Club! If you fancy yourself as a bit of a budding script writer or comic strip artist for the world's greatest hedgehog, and you want the world to see your work, this is the place to put them. All kinds of Fan Fics are allowed here, and you can submit your own written or typed stories, hand drawn cartoon/anime style comic Fics to Dreadknux. You don't have to send in the whole story at once, you can send it in by Chapters, it will give your readers a chance to look forward to the next Chapter. Most Fan Fics are happening in the South Island Forum (Go check out the Sonic's Adventure Forum), so you too can take part in a big community participating Sonic story. All stories will be sent online, in this Section of the Sonic Fan Club.

Sonic Fan Fiction Club NEWS: Because of the new merger with Sonic News, SSNG's Sonic Fan Fiction Club has expanded immensely! Check out the Written Fan Fics to see all the new writers that are on record at the SFC - including the legendary Sotsu series, and works from Mr. Sonic_Hedgehogs himself!

Want to submit Your own Fan Fic?
Wanna send us a Comic of yours?
Create RPGs and Fan Fic Add-on Stories in the SI's Sonic's Adventure Forum

  SFFC Sections!

Sonic Written Fan Fics:
Sonic Fan Fictionists who like to type their stories will have their work sent here.
Finished Add-on stories from Dreadknux's Forum will also appear here.

Sonic Fan Cartoons:
Of course if you don't wanna write it, you can draw it! Sonic Comic Strips go here.
View finished Sonic comic strips in this section.

Join in an Add-on Story - South Island Forum:
You can have a say in how Sonic or other related Furry characters' fates
are decided by taking part in the South Island Forum, just head to Sonic's Adventure Forum!


'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.